Introduction to ES6 Promises – The Four Functions You Need To Avoid Callback Hell

Update October 2018: If you need to brush up on promises and async/await, I highly recommend you look instead at my Mastering Asynchronous JavaScript course on Frontend Armory. The course contains 47 live examples and exercises, and also comes with this spiffy Promises and async/await cheatsheet.

Of course, my original promises guide is still useful today! Here it is:

Apart from being new and shiny, Promises are a great way to clean up your code, reduce dependencies on external libraries, and prepare yourself for async and await in ES7. Developers who use them swear by them, and developers who don’t just don’t know what they’re missing.

That said, promises can take a lot of work to understand. They feel completely different to the callbacks which we often use to accomplish the same thing, and there are a few surprises in their design which often cause beginners hours of debugging pain.

So why should I learn promises, again?

If the fact that promises are awesome doesn’t convince you, maybe the alternative to promises will.

Up until promises arrived, developers in JavaScript land had been using callbacks. In fact, whether you realise it or not, you’ve probably used them too! setTimeout, XMLHttpRequest, and basically all browser-based asynchronous functions are callback based.

To demonstrate the problem with callbacks, let’s do some animation, just without the HTML and CSS.

Say we want want to do the following:

  1. run some code
  2. wait one second
  3. run some more code
  4. wait another second
  5. then run some more code again

This is a pattern you’d often use with CSS3 animations. Let’s implement using trusty friend setTimeout. Our code will look something like this:

setTimeout(function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 1000);
}, 1000);

Looks awful, right? But imagine for a moment you had 10 steps instead of 3 – you’d have so much whitespace you could build a pyramid. It gets so bad, in fact, that people have come up with a name for it – callback hell. And these callback pyramids appear everywhere – in handling HTTP requests, database manipulation, animation, inter-process communication, and all manner of other places. There is one exception, though:

They don’t appear in code which uses promises.

But what are promises?

Perhaps the easiest way to grok promises is to work with what you already know and contrast them with callbacks. There are four major differences:

1. Callbacks are functions, promises are objects

Callbacks are just blocks of code which can be run in response to events such as as timers going off or messages being received from the server. Any function can be a callback, and every callback is a function.

Promises are objects which store information about whether or not those events have happened yet, and if they have, what their outcome is.

2. Callbacks are passed as arguments, promises are returned

Callbacks are defined independently of the functions they are called from – they are passed in as arguments. These functions then store the callback, and call it when the event actually happens.

Promises are created inside of asynchronous functions (those which might not return a response until later), and then returned. When an event happens, the asynchronous function will update the promise to notify the outside world.

3. Callbacks handle success and failure, promises don’t handle anything

Callbacks are generally called with information on whether an operation succeeded or failed, and must be able to handle both scenarios.

Promises don’t handle anything by default, but success and failure handlers are attached later.

4. Callbacks can represent multiple events, promises represent at most one

Callbacks can be called multiple times by the functions they are passed to.

Promises can only represent one event – they are either successful once, or failed once.

With this in mind, let’s jump into the details.

The four functions you need to know

1. new Promise(fn)

ES6 Promises are instances of the Promise built-in, and are created by calling new Promise with a single function as an argument. For example:

// Creates a Promise instance which doesn't do anything.
// Don't worry, I'll explain this in more detail in a moment.
promise = new Promise(function() {});

Running new Promise will immediately call the function passed in as an argument. This function’s purpose is to inform the Promise object when the event which the promise represents has resolved (i.e. successfully completed), or been rejected (i.e. failed).

In order to do so, the function you pass to the constructor can take two arguments, which are themselves callable functions – resolve and reject. Calling resolve(value) will mark the promise as resolved and cause any success handlers will be run. Call reject(error), will cause any failure handler to be run. You should not call both. resolve and reject both take an argument which represents the event’s details.

Let’s apply this to our animation example above. The above example uses the setTimeout function, which takes a callback – but we want to return a promise instead. new Promise lets us do this:

// Return a promise which resolves after the specified interval
function delay(interval) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve) {
        setTimeout(resolve, interval);

var oneSecondDelay = delay(1000);

Great, we’ve now got a promise which resolves after a second has passed. I know you’re probably itching to learn how to actually do something after a second has passed – we’ll get to that in a moment in the second function you need to know, promise.then.

The function we passed to new Promise in the above example takes a resolve argument, but we’ve omitted reject. This is because setTimeout never fails, and thus there is no scenario where we’d need to call reject.

But say we’re specifically interested in setting timeouts for animation, and if the animation is going to fail due to lack of browser support, we want to know immediately instead of after the timeout. If an isAnimationSupported(step) function is available, we could implement this with reject:

function animationTimeout(step, interval) {
    new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        if (isAnimationSupported(step)) {
            setTimeout(resolve, interval);
        } else {
            reject('animation not supported');

var firstKeyframe = animationTimeout(1, 1000);

Finally, it is important to note that if an exception is thrown within the passed-in function, the promise will automatically be marked as rejected, with the exception object being stored as the rejected value, just as if it had been passed as the argument to reject.

One way to think of this is that the contents of each function you pass to new Promise are wrapped in a try/catch statement, like this:

var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    try {
        // your code
    catch (e) {

So. Now you understand how to create a promise. But once we have one, how do we handle success/failure? We use it’s then method.

2. promise.then(onResolve, onReject)

promise.then(onResolve, onReject) allows us to assign handlers to a promise’s events. Depending on which arguments you supply, you can handle success, failure, or both:

// Success handler only
promise.then(function(details) {
    // handle success

// Failure handler only
promise.then(null, function(error) {
    // handle failure

// Success & failure handlers
    function(details) { /* handle success */ },
    function(error) { /* handle failure */ }

Tip: Don’t try and handle errors from the onResolve handler in the onError handler of the same then, it doesn’t work.

// This will cause tears and consternation
    function() {
        throw new Error('tears');
    function(error) {
        // Never gets called

If this is all promise.then did, it wouldn’t really have any any advantage over callbacks. Luckily, it does more: handlers passed to promise.then don’t just handle the result of the previous promise – whatever they return is turned into a new promise.

promise.then always returns a promise

Naturally, this works with numbers, strings and any old value:

    .then(function() {
        return 5;
    .then(function(value) {
        console.log(value); // 5

But more importantly, it also works with other promises – returning a promise from a then handler passes that promise through to the return value of then. This allows you to chain promises:

    .then(function() {
        console.log('1 second elapsed');
        return delay(1000);
    .then(function() {
        console.log('2 seconds elapsed');

And as you can see, chained promises no longer cause callback pyramids. No matter how many levels of callback hell you’d be in for, the equivalent promises code is flat.

Can you use what you’ve learned so far to flatten the animation example from before, using the above delay function? I’ve written it out again for your convenience – once you’ve had a shot you can check your work by touching or hovering over the blank box below.

setTimeout(function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 1000);
}, 1000);

    .then(function() {
        return delay(1000);
    .then(function() {

Edit & run this code

Which one do you find easier to understand? The promise version, or the callback version? Let me know in the comments!

While everything so far has been relatively straightforward, there are a couple of things which trip people up. For example:

Rejection handlers in promise.then return resolved promises, not rejected ones.

The fact that rejection handlers return a resolved promise by default caused me a lot of pain when I was first learning – don’t let it happen to you. Here is an example of what to watch out for:

new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    reject(' :( ');
    .then(null, function() {
        // Handle the rejected promise
        return 'some description of :(';
        function(data) { console.log('resolved: '+data); },
        function(error) { console.error('rejected: '+error); }

What does this print to the screen? Once you’re certain, check your answer by touching or hovering over the empty box below:

resolved: some description of 🙁

Edit & run the above code

The take-away here is that if you want to process your errors, make sure you don’t just return the processed value: reject the processed value. So, instead of:

return 'some description of :('

Use this magic incarnation to return a failed promise with a given value instead of a successful one:

// I'll explain this a little later
return Promise.reject({anything: 'anything'});

Alternatively, if you can throw an error, you can utilise the fact that

promise.then turns exceptions into rejected promises

This means that you can cause a handler (either success or failure) to return a rejected promise by doing this:

throw new Error('some description of :(')

Keep in mind that just like the function passed to new Promise, any exception thrown within the handlers passed to promise.then will be turned into a rejected promise – as opposed to landing in your console like you might expect. Because of this, it is important to make sure that you finish each then chain with a rejection-only handler – if you leave this out, you’ll invariably spend hours pulling your hair out over missing error messages (see Are JavaScript Promises swallowing your errors? for another solution).

Here is a contrived example to demonstrate this point:

    .then(function() {
        throw new Error("oh no.");
    .then(null, function(error) {

This is so important, in fact, that there is a shortcut. It happens to be function number three:

3. promise.catch(onReject)

This one is simple. promise.catch(handler) is equivalent to promise.then(null, handler).

No seriously, thats all there is to it.

One pattern you’re generally going to want to follow is to put a catch at the end of each of your then chains. Let’s go back to the animation example to demonstrate.

Say we’ve got a 3-step animation, with a 1 second gap between each step. Each step could throw an exception – say, due to lack of browser support – so we’ll follow each then with a catch containing a backup function which causes the same changes without animation.

Can you write this using delay from above, assuming that each animation step can be called with runAnimation(number), and each backup step can be called with runBackup(number)? Treat each step separately, in case the browser can run some of the animations, but not all of them. Give it a shot, and if you get stuck, touch or hover over the blank box below for an answer.

try {
catch (e) {

    .then(function() {
        return delay(1000);
    .catch(function() {
    .then(function() {
    .catch(function() {

How does your answer compare with mine? If you’re unsure about why I’ve done it the way I have, leave a comment!

One interesting thing in the above example is the similarity between the try/catch block and the promise blocks. Some people like to think about promises as a kind of delayed try/catch block – I don’t, but I guess it can’t hurt.

Aaand, that wraps up the three functions you need to know to use promises. But to use them well, you need to know four.

4. Promise.all([promise1, promise2, …])

Promise.all is amazing. What it accomplishes is so painful using callbacks that I chickened out from even writing a callback-based example, yet the abstraction it provides is so simple.

What does it do? It returns a promise which resolves when all of it’s argument promises have resolved, or is rejected when any of it’s argument promises are rejected. The returned promise resolves to an array containing the results of every promise, or fails with the error with which the first promise was rejected.

What is it useful for? Well, say we wanted to animate two things in parallel, followed by a third in series.

parallel animation 1  \
                                      + - subsequent animation         
parallel animation 2  /

You could rip your hair out doing this with callbacks. You could find, download and include a 3rd-party library which makes it a little easier.

Or, you could just use Promise.all.

Let’s say that we have three functions which start an animation and return promises which resolve when the animation is done – parallelAnimation1(), parallelAnimation2() and finalAnimation(). The above flow can be implemented as follows:

]).then(function() {

Simple, right?

Other usages for Promise.all include downloading multiple HTTP requests concurrently, running multiple processes concurrently, or making multiple database requests concurrently. What do these all have in common? Promise.all makes concurrency easy.

Test your knowledge

Now that you know the four functions which you need to know, let’s stretch your brain muscles with an exercise.

Your task is to:

  1. Download two files from a server
  2. Extract some data from each of them
  3. Use this to decide on a third file to download
  4. Display the data from the third file to the user with alert(), or in case of an error, display an alert() with the received error message instead

While the functions to download the first two files return promises, the function which accesses the third file unfortunately only accepts a callback.

Here are the functions available:

  • initialRequestA() returns a promise to an A object
  • initialRequestB() returns a promise to an B object
  • getOptionsFromInitialData(a, b) returns the options argument required for finalRequest
  • finalRequest(options, callback) retrieves the third file from the server, calling callback(error, data) when done. data is undefined in case of an error, and error is undefined in case of success (note: this is a common pattern in node.js)

You can test your work with this jsbin, where I’ve set up the above functions for you.

Once you’ve written your own answer, check it with mine by touching or hovering over the box below.

function finalRequestPromise(options) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        finalRequest(options, function(error, data) {
            if (error) {
            else {

    .all([initialRequestA(), initialRequestB()])
    .then(function(results) {
        var options = getOptionsFromInitialData(results[0], results[1]);
        return finalRequestPromise(options);
        function(file) { alert(file); },
        function(error) { alert('ERROR: '+error); } 

BONUS: The two incredibly useful functions that you can now learn with minimal effort

Now that you know the four functions which you need to know, there are two functions which are incredibly useful to know, and basically come for free on top of the above.


Promise.resolve(value) returns a promise which resolves to it’s argument. It is equivalent to this:

new Promise(function(resolve) {
}).then(function() {
    return value;

It is useful when you need a promise and don’t have one, or aren’t sure if you do – for example when you’re building an array of promises to pass to Promise.all, or when you’re not sure if the argument to a function is a promise or a value.


Promise.reject(value) returns a promise which fails with the passed in value. It is equivalent to this:

new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

This is incredibly useful when you want to process error objects in a catch handler, but don’t want to return a successful promise afterwards.

Cheat sheet

Phew, that was a lot of information. The key to remembering it all is to use it, but searching through this article for just the bit you want each time you forget something sure sounds like a lot of work.

Thats why I’ve created this spiffy cheat sheet (see preview). It is perfect for printing out and hanging next to your monitor or on your toilet door, or taping thousands of copies to every wall in your house.

The print-optimised PDF is available exclusively to my newsletter subscribers – sign up now and it’ll be immediately e-mailed to you for your reading pleasure, along with two other cheatsheets on React and ES6.

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Useful links

Learn more about ES6 at my guide to The Bits You’ll Actually Use.

Want to read more about promises instead? You may find these helpful:

Thanks so much for reading – and if you there is anything that you don’t find crystal clear, but sure to leave a comment!

22 Comments Introduction to ES6 Promises – The Four Functions You Need To Avoid Callback Hell

  1. pik

    why don’t you include a promise based version of the initial animation code ? just to compare. thanks.

    1. jamesknelson

      Hi PIK – you’re in luck, because I did include it! You can find it in the first yellow hidden box.

      1. pik

        😉 haha I was too fast…thanks

        I saw the yellow first time but didn’t go over..I was just going through snippets scrolling…

  2. kspice

    Perhaps not 100% aiming for identical results (conceding the exercise is contrived for the sake of practice), but this is pretty concise also:

    all( [initialRequestA(), initialRequestB()] ).
    return [getOptionsFromInitialData.apply(null, result), console.log];
    finalRequest.apply(null, result);

  3. Eric

    Great article!

    Just FYI… the link “Are JavaScript Promises swallowing your errors?” brings you to a login page.

  4. Owen Densmore

    How do I avoid then-able hell?

    I.e. I’d like to use your basic “xhrLoad(url, callback)” with promises but not have to have a then-chain. Just have the “fancyXhrLoad(url)” return the fetched data, WHILE yielding in place ’til done!

    I’ve heard generators can do that.

      1. Kevin L.

        Aren’t Observables an option as well if you’re recommending ES7-level stuff?

        Things like critical data that can be retried or aborted would be a better fit.

        Being lazily done rather than being hot, Observables can be advantageous for certain async operations than Promises as well.

        1. jamesknelson

          I’m not sure I’m ready to start relying on anything which requires Object.observe just yet – while it is slated for inclusion in ES7, shimming it doesn’t sound like much fun. Maybe in a few years?

  5. Daniel

    I have a question:

    In the 3-step animation exercise, if the first animation fails, it seems to be that there won’t be a delay between runBackup(1) and runAnimation(2). Am I missing something?

    Thanks for a great article.

  6. An Vad

    In the section “3. promise.catch(onReject)” we need to call return `delay(1000);` right after calling `runBackup(1);` else there won’t be any delay between `runBackup(1);` and next animation.

  7. TienTran

    In differences between callback and promise, I don’t understand about statement:
    4. Callbacks can represent multiple events, promises represent at most one

    Can you help me explain more detail, thanks! 🙂

  8. Nate

    Thank you, this was really helpful!

    In this code snippet where you talk about using animationTimeout for rejection (“if an isAnimationSupported(step) function is available, we could implement this with reject:…”), you create a new promise, but you don’t return it. Don’t you have to return that promise?


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